Friday, June 5, 2009

On Leaving and Deep, Deep Oceans

Its 24 hours till I leave Medford. I am totally freaked out. My nerves are going crazy and I can't stop thinking a million little things could go wrong. Today I am going to have to be courageous because I am really scared. I am scared of driving over the pass, I am scared of the wind blowing my rig over, I am scared to be going alone. Really, really scared. I keep having these conversations in my head where I go "But what about this? This is really scary!" and then I say "Yes but God is with you. It is going to be fine." Oh Lord. I have a lot to do today so thankfully that should keep my mind occupied. My auntie is coming over to help me also so thank you God! I mean why am I afraid of a mountain when my Daddy is the one who made them? When I told God I wanted to change the world, I didn't realize that He would change my whole world first. So here I come crazy world. We can be changed together!!!!!
I had a conversation with God last night. Not anything where He was audibly speaking to me or anything but I would say something and then imagine what His response would be. I know it sounds crazy but I have to counter act those fearful thoughts somehow you know? Anyways in this conversation I was telling the Lord that there was no way that I could step out into that deep, deep ocean because I would surely droned. He in response told me that I would be walking across the ocean and to believe Him. So tomorrow I will be stepping out onto a deep, deep ocean. Not into the ocean, but onto it. With God all things are possible and all glory goes to Him. I sure can't take it. Look at me, I'm a wreck!